Finding charm in the ordinary...

I'm a wedding photographer on the weekends and a real estate photographer during the week. I love finding charm in any house, no matter the size or budget, and getting detailed photos to show off your home's full potential whether you are selling or listing on Airbnb. I have been a real estate photographer for 6 years working for Evolve, Next Door Photos, VRX, Zillow, and Airbnb. I would love to connect and bring out the best in your home!

I specialize in real estate photography but also do drone photography, Zillow and Matterport 3D, floor plans, and detail images. After being in the industry for so long and shooting various houses from quaint cottages in the mountains to extravagant lake houses. I can't wait to commemorate your next step of moving with a getting stunning photos of your house


Step 1

We will meet up and talk bout your goals for this house. Whether you are selling your starter home or renting out a fixer-upper for AirBNB we will be sure to highlight the details that make your house unique.

Step 2

Once we have curated the vision for your house we will discuss which services will fit your needs best. If you want to show off acres of land drone photography may be the best add on. If you want your client to be able to virtually walk through the home from anywhere then Matterport coverage will for sure be the go-to add on.

Step 3

Once we have all the planning done we will set a date to conduct your shoot. I suggest a sunny day to let as much light flood into the house as possible. I will shoot the home with the discussed add-ons and send you a link to post on the MLS website or AirBNB. I can't wait to work with you and showcase your beautiful home! Contact me below to get started!!